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Comparing Education Systems: A Guide for Hong Kong Students Exploring UK Studies.

22nd October 24

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Are you a student from Hong Kong curious about how the UK education system compares to what you’re familiar with at home? Understanding the differences between the two systems can help you make an informed decision about studying in the UK. In this blog, we’ll explore the key distinctions between the Hong Kong and UK education systems, from structure and curriculum to opportunities for higher education, helping you navigate your academic journey with confidence.

Education System in Hong Kong

The Education Bureau (EDB) oversees education policies and implementation in Hong Kong. The school system follows 12 year education system consisting of 6 years of primary and 6 years of secondary education: Upon completion of Form 6, students are awarded the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) and are eligible to enter university.

British Education System

The UK education system consists of distinct stages tailored to various age groups and educational needs.

Key Stages 1 and 2, also known as primary education is compulsory for children age 5-11, and includes core subjects like English, maths, and science.

Key Stages 3 and 4, also known as secondary education, and are for students age 11-16. Key stage 4 culminates in the compulsory GCSE examinations required for progression to further education.

Key stage 5, or Further Education (FE) offers students age 16+ with a range of opportunities including A-levels, vocational courses, and apprenticeships, all of which prepare students for higher education or employment.

Upon completion of Further Education, students either enter the workforce or progress to university, also known as Higher Education to complete an undergraduate degree and then for those that wish to, a postgraduate degree.

Pre-Primary and Primary Education in Hong Kong

Pre-primary education is provided for children aged three to six and is regulated by the EDB.

The Primary education curriculum in Hong Kong focuses on eight key areas, including languages, mathematics, and science, with an emphasis on developing skills like creativity and problem-solving.

Pre-Primary and Primary Education in the UK

In comparison, children in the UK often attend nursery prior to joining any formal education. Nursery, or pre-primary education in the United Kingdom gives children up to five a taste of a school-like environment before they start primary school. Most children attend part-time and during term-time only.

Primary education consists of Reception, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.


Reception is the first year of Primary School and most children start full-time in the September after their fourth birthday. However, it is not compulsory to attend school until a child turns 5.

Key stages 1 and 2 then cover ages 5 to 11 (years 1-6) and focus on building essential skills that will help with learning later on. At the end of key stage 2, also known as year 6, students often move to a secondary school.

Whilst many independent schools in the UK provide education for students from key stage 1 all the way through to key stage 5, states schools often finish at key stage 2 or start at key stage 3. In most cases, students attend a primary school for key stage 1 and 2 and then change to a secondary school at the age of 11 to continue with key stage 3, 4 and 5.



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The Abbey DLD Group of Colleges (ADLD) consists of three independent sixth form colleges located in Cambridge, London, and Manchester, offering a wide range of academic study programmes.

Secondary and Further Education in Hong Kong

Secondary education spans six years in Hong Kong, culminating in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE), usually taken at the age of 18 and signifying the end of compulsory education.

The curriculum for students in forms 1 to 3 includes eight key learning areas: the Arts, Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics, Personal, Social and Humanities Education, Physical Education, Science, and Technology.

From form 4 to form 6, students study four core subjects and two or three electives.

The core subjects are as follows:

  • Chinese Language
  • English Language
  • Citizenship and Social Development (from 2024) / Liberal Studies (until 2023)
  • Mathematics

The electives are selected from the following options:

  • Senior Secondary subjects from key learning areas
  • Applied Learning courses
  • Other Languages

Secondary and Further Education in the UK

In comparison, in the UK there are three distinct stages. Secondary education made up of key stage 3 and 4, and further education consist of key stage 5.

Key stage 3 is taught to students age 11-14. In the UK, as children progress into Key Stage 3 there’s a notable shift towards more rigorous academic pursuits. With a focus on sharpening on core subjects.  Students continue to study a broad curriculum that spans the national curriculum however towards the end of year 9, students will select their GCSE subjects.

Key stage 4 is taught from age 14-16 and is the point at which students the education journey intensifies however students do begin to have some flexibility at this stage of their academic journey.

Whilst Maths, English and Science are mandatory, electives are then chosen by the student, in consultation with the school and the parents. Students study for 2 years culminating in the pivotal General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) exams. It is a significant juncture in students’ educational pathways, where they demonstrate proficiency across various subjects.

Following this phase, between ages 16 and 18, students advance to Key Stage 5. Here, they pursue qualifications such as A Levels or vocational courses like BTECs. This stage serves as a transitional bridge, facilitating their progression into higher education or specialised fields.


On-Campus Student Bedroom, DLD College London

Higher Education in Hong Kong

Most undergraduate degrees in Hong Kong are studied over four-years, after completing 12 years of compulsory education (12+4). Professional courses such as medicine and architecture may extend beyond the typical four years.

A key feature of undergraduate degrees in Hong Kong is the emphasis on general education in the first year. Students study a range of subjects outside their major to build a broad foundation before specialising. This approach encourages a more holistic view of education, ensuring well-rounded graduates.

Higher Education in the UK

Undergraduate degrees in the UK are usually 3 years, and follow on from 13 years of compulsory education (13+3).

Some students elect to join a four-year degree programme whilst for fields such as engineering, law, or medicine, the duration may extend to five or six years.

Undergraduate degrees with Honours offer versatility. Students specialise in a single subject (single Honours) or opt for a combination of two (combined Honours). With a diverse array of subjects available, spanning both traditional disciplines and professional pathways like medicine or dentistry, the academic journey extends beyond mere classroom learning. It serves as a comprehensive preparation for expertise within each student’s chosen field.

Hong Kong vs British Education System Comparison Table

To provide a clear overview, the comparison table below highlights the key differences between the Hong Kong and British education systems:


Age Hong Kong United Kingdom
4-5 Kindergarten Reception
5-6 Kindergarten Key Stage 1 / Year 1 / Primary
6-7 Primary 1 Key Stage 1 / Year 2 / Primary
7-8 Primary 2 Key Stage 2 / Year 3 / Primary
8-9 Primary 3 Key Stage 2 / Year 4 / Primary
9-10 Primary 4 Key Stage 2 / Year 5 / Primary
10-11 Primary 5 Key Stage 2 / Year 6 / Primary
11-12 Primary 6 Key Stage 3 / Year 7 / Secondary
12-13 Secondary 1 / Form 1 Key Stage 3 / Year 8 / Secondary
13-14 Secondary 2 / Form 2 Key Stage 3 / Year 9 / Secondary
14-15 Secondary 3 / Form 3 Key Stage 4 / Year 10 / Secondary / GCSE
15-16 Secondary 4 / Form 4 Key Stage 4 / Year 11 / Secondary / GCSE Exam
16-17 Secondary 5 / Form 5 Key Stage 5 / Year 12 / Further / A Level
17-18 Secondary 6 / Form 6 / HKDSE Exam Key Stage 5 / Year 13 / Further / A Level Exam

University (4 Years)




University (3 Years)




Why Study at Abbey DLD Colleges?

The Abbey DLD Group of Colleges (ADLD) consists of three independent boarding schools located in Cambridge, London, and Manchester, offering a wide range of academic study programmes.

At Abbey DLD we strive to achieve the highest academic standards whilst providing a welcoming, safe, high-quality learning and boarding experience for students from around the world. Our aim is to help our students achieve the academic success needed to progress to the UK and the world’s top universities, whilst also developing the personal skills and qualities to succeed at university and beyond.

We offer GCSEsBTECsA Levels and International Foundation Programmes to give our British and International students access to UK and international universities.

Do You know:

Every year Abbey DLD Students achieve outstanding results and move on to join some of the world’s most prestigious and highly-ranked universities. In 2023, 41% of our A Level students and 38% of our Foundation students progressed to Russell Group Universities, and 14 of our students progressed to study at Oxbridge Colleges or Medical School.

  1. Subject Flexibility

In the UK, you can focus on fewer subjects, allowing you to specialise in areas of interest. At A Level, students typically choose 3 to 4 subjects, which gives them a deep understanding of their chosen fields before entering university.

  1. High-Quality Education

At Abbey DLD, you’ll benefit from strong leadership, governance, and high-quality teaching, backed by years of experience helping international students excel.

  1. Experts in International Study

With years of experience supporting international students, we offer personalised learning plans tailored to help students achieve their academic goals.

  1. Top Results and Destinations

Our students consistently achieve top results and gain entry to prestigious universities. Recent achievements include over 70 students joining Oxbridge and 21 students progressing to G5 universities or medical schools in 2021.

  1. 5-Star Urban Boarding

Our top-notch boarding facilities prioritise student safety, comfort, and well-being, ensuring a home-away-from-home experience.

  1. Beyond Academics

We offer a variety of extracurricular clubs and activities, many included in the fees, encouraging students to experience British culture and life outside their studies.


Studying in the UK offers students from Hong Kong an alternative education pathway that is flexible, globally recognised, and allows for subject specialisation. Whether you’re considering Year 9, GCSEs, A Levels, or foundation programmes, the UK system provides a balanced and supportive environment for your academic journey.

If you’re a prospective student or parent, feel free to reach out to our mandarin speaking team for more information about how we can assist you in your application process.

Please note that our three colleges, each with its own unique character, all share a common goal: to deliver outstanding educational and residential experiences for students aged 13 to 21. We offer GCSE, A Level, BTEC and International Foundation Programme courses. We do not provide university-level undergraduate or postgraduate education.

Blog Author

Janine Reeves-Global Head of Sales

Janine Reeves
Global Head of Sales

Tel: +852 5915 4060


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Since 1931, the Abbey DLD Group of Colleges has been synonymous with high-quality education, top university destinations, and enriching academic and pastoral experiences. Abbey DLD students graduate equipped with the skills to progress in their university studies and future careers, with friends from all around the world, and having made memories to remember for a lifetime.

Want to learn more about studying at the Abbey DLD Group of Colleges? Simply complete the form below and one of our admissions advisors will be in touch with you shortly.